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Download MSChromSearch

Please test MSChromSearch free of charge.

MSChromSearch is progressing continuosly. Known bugs are fixed and new functions are being implement. Our ideas for the next upcoming version include further enhancement of the search algorithm and user interface, extendet screening functions, metabolism tools and interfaces to further data system.

This is the perfect time to share your wishes and ideas for using or enhancing MSChromSearch. Please use our contact form and send us your ideas.

MSChromSearch 4.0.11.exe

MSChromSearch Vers. 4.0 Build 11 Bugfixes & new search parameter
18.2M, 2015-06-09, 2032 downloads of this version

Change log

Software requirements

Reading data from  XCalibur (ThermoFinnigan) and Chrom Perfect (Justice Innovations) is done by direct access to the files and requires these data systems being installed on the computer executing MSChromSearch. Reading Agilent Chemstation files reqiuires installing a  special Chemstation macro.

Many other data types are read using our AMDIS-interface. If the free AMDIS-Software is installed, files of these data system can be read:

  • HP Chemstation,
  • Saturn Varian,
  • Finnigan GCQ
  • Bruker
  • and many more

AMDIS is a free program provided by the NIST and is available for free download at http://chemdata.nist.gov/mass-spc/amdis/.

The operation system for MSChromSearch might be Windows XP Pro, Windows 7 or higher, with recent updates and service packs. The current version will run on Windows Vista if the user has administrative rights but is not yet supported as most data systems are not, too.

Get your own demo serial number

If you like to use MSChromSearch either as free demo or as full version, you need a serial number. Full versions have to be actvated, either by a hardware dongle or by an internet based activation procedure.

Please apply for your full or demo serial number using the contact form below. Please specify all your contact data. Your information will be kept confident.

Title/First and Last Name:*
Data system:*
Your message:
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